Technology In Architectural Education

Along with the advances in technology today, everything to do with whatever is easier and more practical. Everything will make people feel dependence on technology either in primary or secondary. In the world of architecture is now also taking place the same trend. Computer software that can provide guidance and assistance in the design become so popular that everyone rushing to catch promised sophistication.

However, how exactly the technology position should be placed in the world of architecture is often called the art or not art? Similar questions are also increasingly being heard from students of architecture. There is such a tendency or has become a primary need, as handmade works himself suddenly replaced by the works of the materials produced by the machine-made, although not having the character of art, but more in demand and popular in the community in general. When this had caused an alarming reactions balance of nature, art and culture are considered threatened by artificial objects that are not organic. 

There lacing advent of technology so indulge us that disrupt the ability of the hand in existence sketch on paper. On the other hand architectural education with less favorable trend is the attitude of view to make the architecture as a machine for living. In other words, architecture is manipulated through a process of rational thinking too technological. Everything is seen and appreciated in architecture as far as can be mastered, controlled, used, manipulated and even manipulated. Another tendency is the attitude of placing value or operational power too much, so getting rid of the value of qualitative human. In the freedom of choice presented by modern technology, the truth of human slavery by a totalitarian system technology. 

What are created by modern architecture to architecture students can not be separated from its dependence on any digital production, management techniques with something relatively high economic capital. Dependency on a totalitarian system of narrow horizons of technology innovations in architecture. The trend is very alarming is that the digital maniac is not a composer in the building or the physical environment and overall reality. This is where the human values questionable, the production of digital systems is certainly not going to bother is the architectural value of qualitative products, which is important and sensational-selling and more popular.

Similarly, the teaching staff, which is important to produce works that nice views of the students and lectures smoothly. But on the other hand does not mean the technology should not continue to grow, according to the speed it has. Gusti Novi Sarbini, MUP Which is a lecturer in the Architectural Engineering UNLAM and also as the architect once said that architecture students' ability to balance between the ability to "freehand" them with digitization technologies in existence, which of course do not forget the essence of the design is. A wise statement that seat technology on equal footing to continue prioritizing man as the center of the controller. 

In architecture technologies may present itself as an idea, as well as the material which is used as a tool or means. Positioning technology as an idea, it would have been criticized and similar difficulties as experienced by other ideas differed if these ideas become difficult, even to achieve the impossible criteria. Similarly, the basic material design, ideas may be good, may not get a chance to show up, because so many technical restrictions are binding. Seeing each other alternating dominance between ideas and material forms of design, architecture students are confused to decide which technology it feels to be laid. As an idea or as matter? For that we should look at the work of that responsibility. Function is the ultimate goal of all architectural work presented, a work of architecture as a form of culture can be said to be successful if it can function properly. However, understanding the function in this case is not just the physical aspects of biological concern. Many other factors also include an understanding of its function as such accountability. Next comes another question, is it true that buildings such as the Ambassador Mall Banjarmasin is a sign of modern times now? 

What power we can also see the sophistication in making such a Home High ridge, Borobudur Temple or like Pyramids of Egypt. If we talk about the aesthetics of the building. Various theories about aesthetics ever written, but none of them dared to declare absolutely that Theory adopted most correct. Because it is an aesthetic that is relative. Then aesthetic has become a trend of both the architects and architecture students in a studio. Ability to display a work that is generally considered to have good aesthetic value, directly or indirectly, discriminate caste designer with one another. Also the game just drawing with colored pencils to color games from digital visual. When we open architecture magazine in the country and abroad, posted pictures of the building and the interior of the beautiful glossy paper on the slick.

The photos were neat and crisp, with a full explanation of flattery, using terms that seem scientific, rational, visible and authoritative elite. Most readers then stunned, admired architecture presented. The rapid growth and development of architecture in Indonesia due to the rapid advancement of science and technology. Rapid flow of incoming information, supported by the era of economic globalization, has enabled the architectural form that is not grounded. Undeniably architectural education and architecture students like lined-lined houses which adorn the city. In fact, the process of architectural education with a system running without a mutual agreement on the teaching milestones. Architecture students have difficulty reading and understanding milestone. 

Starting with a two symptoms surfaced that seemed less passionate student of architecture at the studio. More and more and more students were offended by the teaching of architecture that limits their living space. Which in today's real architecture students from the deepest depths not only want to be called as an expert and be able to draw a building (design) of the building. If for instance look at the other side of the traditional, teaching in Indonesia's development goals by utilizing natural building materials durability is very limited, ironwood, leaves, grass and other natural fibers. With the development of new technology, in Indonesia also use modern building materials such as mild steel, reinforced concrete, glass cantilever and so long-lasting almost unlimited. Therefore, the quality of the buildings built more and more important. 

Students look at the architecture is something that does not meet the quantitative-material needs of the community again. The use of building materials and modern technology in development must comply with the durability, which means that the results must be flexible in use and fit the way of life of its inhabitants. In addition to construction costs that can be calculated with money, also calculated the value of the development is an invaluable material in the currency but very valuable to human life and health. Without the cooperation with nature, our future bleak. 

Natural gives all the raw materials and building materials to the people, who must accept full responsibility. All natural materials can be borrowed from the earth, but one day be back to the earth. So, there are two currents that affect human life is experience, engineering and nature. Associated with the natural sciences as the axis of time, the technique arises because there is a need. Engineering has always been a tool that quickly implemented if deemed too slow biological processes. However, the application of the technique will cause side effects, both biologically, psychologically, and ecologically. The impact is a consideration of the advantages of the technique and the superficial short-term.

Who is doing the technique with non-renewable energy in excess, cause pollution and destruction of all circulation of continuity of life. Architecture students are part of the environment that is educated in the campus of the Faculty of Engineering. Year after year continues to change as progress of era where the future architecture students do not want to be "architectural technician" with great technological concepts in its design but also incredible as an artist misses the cultured and idealistic man who loved nature. Do not burden the future of the natural environment as well as weigh the deprivation and abuse. Do not forget that at some point we have to bear the consequences. Hopefully forward architecture student reach his goal. Architecture Students Greetings Indonesia!

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